Embracing multiple identities...
I have SO many identities and that's not to be confused with personalities... haha. I'm definitely still Dani amongst all the different versions of myself. I'm a supportive daughter & a sister, I'm a best friend, I'm a loving partner, I'm the master of the pack to my two gorgeous doggies, I'm a videographer, a presenter, an MC, a photographer, an event organiser, a publicist, a producer and I'm just your average 27-year-old woman trying to figure out my purpose and the mystery that is life! Does that sound daggy? Probably. I need to stop thinking I'm Oprah.
A defining moment in life...
When I left radio to go freelance, I think I tried to pick one pathway for my business - which was videography. Which is what it initially started out as. Through talking to people and having them really compliment me and encourage me to draw on my strengths (which really is just about being myself), I realised that I can broaden what I do and start to offer services in areas that I'm really passionate about and it was totally OK to have a business card with multiple job titles!
Advice in contemplating a new pursuit?
Have a punt! It is scary launching into the unknown and you're not going to get the results you want straight away - in fact, you might constantly be striving to see those big results but that's the beauty, the drive and the fun of it. I'm not advocating that people resign from their current career or job but if there's something you're really passionate about doing (starting that little business on the side, designing your own fashion label, whatever it is) OR perhaps something you've always wanted to do but been too scared to take the plunge (working for yourself) then, it's time to takes those little steps to getting there and if you're scared... call me, I'm happy to chat.
The radio industry...
In 2012, in my Diploma year studying Broadcasting at WAAPA, I honestly finished the course thinking to myself, “OK, well I love presenting and being in front of the camera and behind the microphone but I also LOVE what a producer does and how they’re the backbone of every show…”. Throw a passion of shooting video and editing into this plus interviewing, I was one confused 22-year-old. I wanted to be able to work in all areas of the industry and not have to settle on one thing. At the end of the course, I won the Commercial Radio Australia award for the ‘student with the greatest potential in commercial radio’. I was already handing out tissue boxes and OJ at mix94.5/92.9 when I was invited to get in studio and do my first on-air shift. It was at mix94.5 to begin, but then 92.9 thought I’d be better suited to their style, so there was one Christmas when I was on air for 94.5 on Christmas Day then on-air for 92.9 on Boxing Day. My boss joked that if I wanted to be on both stations I’d had to change my name to ‘Delorus’ for one and keep it as ‘Dani’ on the other.
Multiple roles in the media world...
I was already this multi-faceted identity at the radio station and everyone there knew it. I was sort of called on to do all sorts of things around the place! In 2013, I landed the full-time role as publicist for Southern Cross Austereo but during my time in this role, I was allowed to maintain my on-air presence on weekends/late nights. I even hosted a 12-week adults only late night program (don’t ask) and co-hosted a music show where I had the opportunity to interview some huge international artists (highlight… Rudimental!). I loved how versatile my weeks were at work and how I was able to own everything that I loved doing. It was the dream gig. When Heidi Will and Woody joined the breakfast show at the end of 2013, we didn’t have anyone shooting digital video content for the show. Before we eventually hired someone, I was producing video for them whilst also writing their press releases and pulling a Sunday shift on-air. It was crazy, but it was great and I loved every minute of it. My boss at this time, Todd Campbell, empowered me to be all the versions of myself and encouraged me to own every single one of them. Working under him was when I truly flourished because he allowed me to do a bit of everything, learn and develop my skills and for that, I’m truly grateful because that’s how I’ve had the courage to go out on my own and work for myself like I do now.
Moving on to new media ventures...
I left radio to pursue all the passions I had. I needed to breakaway and reset because at the time when I resigned there was this real pressure on me having to pick a certain ‘role’ to focus on as opposed to be able to be a bit of everything. I was a scary decision to go out on my own but once I’d said up Orlando Media and had a clear idea of what services I wanted to offer, I really embraced the fact that people within the industry and wider network knew they could come to me with any of the areas that I’d proved I was capable of during my time in radio - hence why it’s so diverse with me offering digital, presenting and even PR work too. I would really love to go back into radio one day but I think I’m getting some really great career and life experience working for myself and it’s these times that I think will really benefit me down the track.
Showing all you have to offer?
The biggest thing for me now is explaining that I’m a little bit of everything… I’m a freelancer which one of my friends once described as ‘you’re a relief teacher for people in the media and creative industry.’ I worked really hard over my undergraduate uni years and post graduate years, doing work experience at every media outlet there was and finally landed a job which lasted four years at one of the biggest companies in commercial radio. I came out the end of it loving all facets of the industry, not just one, and wanted to do a little bit of everything - and that’s OK.
Beyond work...
I really am just your average 27-year-old woman! There’s not much else to it. I love my partner, my doggies, decorating our house and garden (and probably spending way too much money on it in the meantime) plus I’m hugely devoted to spending time with my family and best friends. My grandma (Baba in Macedonian) is my best friend though. No one can take those reigns. I’m loving my work/life balance at the moment and I think it’s such an integral balance to find to get the most out of life.