How many identities do you have?
1. Myself (I put myself first)
2. A best friend to my partner
3. A daughter to the best father in the universe
4. A woman who hopes to change the world
5. A second mother to my partner’s children
6. Mother to my fur baby Eszie
7. A corporate executive
8. A person who is lucky enough to get a second chance at life
9. A shoe addict
10. A Canadian living in Oz
What do you feel is the biggest misconception about you?
That I have all my shit together and that the shit doesn’t hit the fan for me.
Please share with us one of your most valuable life lessons and why?
I was ostracised after a news program, shall we say, ‘creatively’ edited my comments. I shut down my consulting business as a result, which was the equivalent of shutting my heart down.
My advice is to consider what happens to you as a learning experience, but also consider: is it really enough to stop you doing what you were born to do?
What does your morning routine look like?
Coffee. Don’t speak to me before then.
Why is having multiple identities important to you?
I get bored extremely easily. I need constant stimulation or I can literally hear my brain cells shrivelling up. I have one life to live; by having multiple personalities (oops, I mean identities), I’m confident my bases are covered.
What do you believe your secret is to balancing all your different passions and pursuits?
Napping and shoe shopping (i.e. do whatever the F you want to do and don’t apologise for it).
What advice would you give to other women out there who want to pursue their passions but are too afraid?
There will never be a time where you’re not afraid to do something that matters. I still almost poop my pants every time I try something new, but I hope that feeling never goes away. It means I’m doing it right. Nothing worth doing was ever easy, so stop wasting time thinking you’re the exception to the rule. You’re not.