How many identities do you have?
1. Business Partner & Managing Director: As the co-creator of ‘the new’ Pure Glow I am inspired everyday working alongside Nikki. As MD I find myself overseeing all aspects of the business and as business partner I am learning to trust, share the load and to enjoy the journey a little more!
2. Yoga Teacher & Studio Owner: Teaching yoga is something I just know I was meant to do. I see and feel things in the bodies & energies of my students that I simply seem to understand. I read yoga texts and practice sequences to share and it all just seems right. In the past I have taught loads of large group classes and managed other teachers and their classes however at this point in time I now have settled into a place where my private students are truly my passion. Along with these one on one clients guiding three larger group classes per week at my studio in Mosman Park, Perth and the occasional festival / retreat / workshop I feel very grateful and content.
3. Mentor: For the last few years I have rolled out a 6-month mentorship program for new yoga teachers & yogis wanting to explore a little deeper. Working with budding teachers and yoga practitioners to delve deeper into the world of yoga and to encourage and inspire them to grow into their own authentic self. This process is unique for every one of them and I find myself challenged in different ways and always on my toes when questions come flying at me as to why and how I do certain things. I guess the course has really allowed me to recognise how to touch more people - its not by me teaching hundreds of classes, it’s by my supporting others to evolve so that they can spread yoga out into their communities and relationships. (This idea is something my first yoga teacher touched on years ago when he told me that I was to teach teachers, “that is the only way to change the world”. he said.)
4. Lover & Forever Person: Six years with my man and I knew he was someone special to me the day we met! We have had an exceptionally difficult start to our relationship however, we have not once questioned our love for each other along the way. He is my person and we really do do life together well.
5. Yogini: I know that I am on my journey, I have figured out that there is no ‘perfect’ and I am grateful for every moment of this wild ride. I think this sums up why I call myself a yogini. (and… I can’t sit anywhere without crossing my legs, twisting or arranging myself in some weird shape that definitely isn’t the norm)
What do you believe your secret to success in balancing your different identities?
Balance indeed is the perfect word for this question! For me it is trusting that on any given day, week, or year certain roles and relationships will need more attention than others. It’s about taking time to get a bit of perspective often which allows me to allocate attention and time depending on the situation at hand without neglecting anything or anyone. I am very organised and plan ahead to ensure efficiency. With this solid intention, I find the ability to also be spontaneous, agile and flexible when the scene calls for it.
What has been the biggest life lesson you’ve learnt so far?
First listen, then understand, then act from your intuition. I have never been one to hold back from making a decision however there are choices I have made in life on a whim without fully consulting my head, heart and gut collectively. With this lesson under my belt I now find myself responding to life with more ease and grace and less reactiveness and anxiety.
What do you do to switch off?
Meditate! I am definitely not someone who naturally finds it easy to just chill. I guess like most people wearing multiple hats, it feels like there is never enough time. Most days making a choice to just sit down and read or take a holiday seems like a crazy, impossible idea. With the introduction of meditation into my life over 10 years ago everything got a little easier to manage as I grasped the idea that I could pause and take a breath in the security of my own little head anytime I chose to. I am exceptionally disciplined with my meditation practice and allow for it to be part of my world every day in some form, this little window of down time makes me feel alive, in control and balanced.
What advice would you give to other women out there who want to start a business but don’t know how to go about it?
1. First listen, then understand, then act from your intuition.
2. Never abdicate responsibility but do delegate. You can’t do everything yourself, however, you must not let others make decisions who pay no price for being wrong.
3. Love is one thing, however, for success with love comes service. Running a business means you need to be talented and good a what you do however that isn’t really enough to make it work. The service part is the part most people forget about, you must be prepared to get in and do everything it takes; to hustle in all possible ways and to continually educate yourself. If you don’t want to hustle just keep the love for what you’re doing and don’t go down the path of looking to make a living from it.
How many identities do you have?
1. Business Partner - Rhyanna and I are the Co-Directors of Pure Glow Cleanse. A delicious whole foods juice and food home delivery service and catering business. We are dedicated to helping the community find better health through what they eat, and we understand that so many of us are time poor or don't really have the know-how to cook in a nutritious way. So we wanted to take all the guess work out, and offer a service which is easy to order, freshly made, and delivered 3 times a week straight to your doorstep. All of our food and juice is gluten, dairy, and sugar free with no additives or preservatives - we focus on a seasonal approach to eating ensuring that the body can enjoy an abundance of nutrients straight from mother nature.
2. Nutrition & Wellness Consultant - I work one-on-one with clients/patients twice a week in more of a clinic setting. I specialise in working with women and they key areas I work on are digestive issues, stress, gut health, diet, and hormones. This is usually an ongoing process where I will work with someone quite closely over a period of 3 - 6 months until their issues have been resolved.
3. Keynote Speaker - I have spoken in front of crowds of 20 people right up to 500 people on topics ranging from health and wellness right through to business and career. I am often asked to speak at various Wellness and Corporate events.
4. Workshop & Retreat Facilitator - Whether it be my own workshops or workshops where I collaborate with others, I love facilitating growth through learning and think that there is nothing better than watching people start to understands their bodies and their minds a little better. I have run workshops in Perth, Bali and Sydney and have also been the in house Wellness Resident for Cable Beach Club's health retreats for the past 3 years.
5. Lululemon Ambassador - As of this year, Lululemon Perth City asked me to come on board as one of their Ambassadors for the next 2 years. This was pretty exciting as I am one of the first Ambassador's in Australia who is not a fitness or yoga instructor. I'm really excited
6. Fur Mumma - I am the mum to one beautiful 12 year old maltese x Pomeranian named Bella. I bought her when I was 18 and she has gone through everything with me. I couldn't imagine life without her.
7. Foodie - Obviously I love cooking. So I am forever creating new recipes, new ideas, forever in the kitchen at home cooking and experimenting. A lot of what I create is up on my personal website along with other blog articles on health and nutrition.
What do you believe your secret to success in balancing your different identities?
Being organised! It can definitely be hard juggling everything but I think effective time management is key. My diary has set hours for everything - set days for Pure Glow work only, set days for my one-on-one clients, set hours for my own time. I think if you aren't organised, your mind will jump from one task to another and you'll get to the end of the day without really having anything done.
What has been the biggest life lesson you’ve learnt so far?
To see vulnerability as a strength and to ask for help when you're unsure of something. Throughout my business career, as well as my personal life, there have been many times where I have been unsure, or where I have needed someone to help me get through something. And whether it be my pride, my ego, or a fear of being seen as 'weak' or silly, I had chosen to go about fixing or resolving things on my own instead of simply asking someone to help. Nowadays however, communicating about anything where I feel uncomfortable or unsure is an absolute necessity - it's amazing how many incredible friends and family I have around me who support me.
What do you do to switch off?
Funnily enough I cook. You'd think I'd be sick of food after being around it all the time but cooking definitely is my meditation. I love finishing a big day of work with a beautiful meal and for me, that's a space where I am literally not thinking of anything else apart from what is going into the dish. Outside of cooking, a walk with my dog in the late afternoon is a wonderful way to wind down... as is a cup on tea on the couch chatting with my house mate.
What advice would you give to other women out there who want to start a business but don’t know how to go about it?
To have a lot of conversations before you start. Speak to people who do the same or similar thing, ask other successful entrepreneurs for their advice - gather as much as you can so that you can start with a really good understanding of what it all entails - this includes everything from marketing and website development, right through to legalities and accounting. Running a business is definitely not as glamorous as some people think, and it can be highly stressful - so having people around you to support you is essential.
How did you both meet?
We actually met about 5 years ago. We were both a part of the health movement in Perth when it was first coming to fruition and would often find ourselves at the same events. I frequently went to Rhy's yoga classes, and Rhy had used NOOD's catering for various retreats that she had run.
Why did you join forces to create Pure Glow X Nood?
I guess it just made sense. Rhyanna approached me towards the end of next year and wanted to see where I was at with NOOD. And for me, I was actually coming to the tail end of wanting to run a retail space. I have always loved being in hospitality but I felt like the cafe was restricting how many people had access to the food. Having to physically work within a cafe space all the time, also restricted my time in working ON the business and I felt there were many areas where I wanted to expand, but didn't have the time to. When Rhy and I started chatting, she expressed how she would love to have a food offering as part of Pure Glow and that for her, food and juice combined, was the natural next step... fast forward a few months later and Pure Glow had acquired the NOOD brand, and we were off and running as a new team! The great thing about Rhy and I is that we have very clear differences when it comes to our strengths and weaknesses and it makes us such a complimentary team - we have so much goodness to come from this merger and we are both so excited to share it.
What exciting things can we expect from this dynamic partnership?
So many things! Literally the possibilities are endless. Both Rhyanna and I have our own 'following' so to speak within our communities and then we have the joint following which has been created through the merger of the two businesses. We obviously want to be able to keep expanding our food and juice offering and be able to reach as many people as possible -- so that will include new meal options, and also new Pure Glow Products... but outside of that we are both super passionate about education, and about the concept of 'finding your balance' when it comes to health and wellness. So you can expect everything from books and online communities, right through to 'Pure Glow Events' and even a couple of overseas retreats ! Watch this space...