How many identities do you have and why?
Well that escalated quickly. One day single lady with a fur baby, the next budding entrepreneur, fiancé & Mum, Those identities, they really do sneak up on you. Ok granted time flies when you are having fun and to be honest I never like to do things in halves. Why you ask, I say why not. I have said yes more no, bitten off more than I chew but opened my heart and life for everything and it has paid off.
What was the reason behind starting Green Goodness Co?
I noticed a gap in the market a few years ago. Coming from background in Media I seen there was a platform for Real Estate, Cars, Dating, Parenting& Recruitment. Health & Wellness was set to boom along with aged care. This was so interesting as I had wanted to start a new venture in the wellness space but hadn’t yet worked out what I wanted to do. I completed my yoga teacher training in India, I loved that but it was not a career option I wanted to explore. I started a cold pressed juice business but soon realised, I hated being in a kitchen. However on the journey I researched and found so many incredible businesses and connected with some very talented individuals.
One day the idea just came to me to create a platform to connect the people with local business, events and trusted information in the Health & Wellness & Fitness Industry.
How have you expanded into other businesses / industries since starting Green Goodness Co?
I love how things just evolve organically. With a background in marketing and event management I couldn’t help but bring these skills to the business. Firstly I started a few basic workshops and brought in experts on different topics. They were great, Our community grew, our clients were learning whilst making beautiful connections with likeminded business owners. A few years on business owners that I had built relationships with started asking me if I know some who…. Did websites, marketing, branding, social media etc. Again I seen a gab in the market and started Social Goodness to help these holistic businesses with services to help them create their foundations and grow their business. Such a beautiful thing co-creating such meaningful projects & brands.
How do you balance being a mum and running so many businesses?
We have a lot of support. Grandparents & Day-care of course. Plus I work nights and whenever I need to. As most business owners need to do whatever is required.
Jack is the most confident child that has a great nature and skill set at such a young age. I still get mothers guilt, I guess that is normal but he is thriving and I am proud that he will grow up with his parents being great role models, his mum being driven, passionate and determined. He will be independent whilst be ridiculously loved.
What do you believe your secret to success is?
100% I do not give up. I have felt many times like business is an Rubik’s Cube and I have been struggling to just get it but, Persistence beats resistance.
What advice would you give to other “Modern Day Women” out there to inspire them to embrace their multiple identities?
Everyone is different, people look at social media and see this polished image of a lot of these “Successful” woman and think wow, how do they do it all. I call bullshit like Kate Hudson on How To LoseA Guy In 10 Days.. Well for the majority anyway.
Hey YOU! Beautiful Woman, Entrepreneur , Career Chick, Boss Mumma, Sista, Miss, Mrs. I see you. You are enough. You are doing enough. You are a Modern Day Woman who is perfectly imperfect, doing her best to keep it together until she doesn’t. That is why you have amazing friends and wine. Don’t live with regret, back yourself and never give up. You will have doubt, we all do, just keep swimming.
Failure is not even trying.
In love & goodness
Rach xx