Feeling Significant
by Ashleigh Power
Feeling Significant
For the past few months we’ve been stuck inside our houses. Our day to day routines have been rearranged, along with our responsibilities, and we’ve spent a lot more time with our families and ourselves. Without being able to see our friends and regularly socialise with other like-minded women, at times we’ve felt a bit like a soda bottle that’s been shaken a little too much. On the brink of a messy explosion.
Our first event post isolation, we popped the lid off the bottle and delved into the fizz of emotions we’ve been all feeling during this time. We began our session with an exercise on personal reflection, and prompted each other to look deep into ourselves and answer the following:
In your life, think of a time where you felt you mattered or where significant?
In your life, think of a time where you felt dismissed or you didn’t matter?
In your current role, when did you experience an 'ah ha' moment, and realise what you were doing mattered, or made a difference?
As strong, motivated and passionate women, there were many similarities when recalling times that made us feel like we mattered. New career developments and positive feedback gives us a sense of achievement, knowing that we are moving in the right direction and achieving the goals we’ve set for ourselves. In particular, knowing that our work positively impacts the lives of others makes us feel significant, as we are providing value to a group of people. This feeling of significance inspires us and energises us to set higher goals and aim to achieve even more.
As compassionate, nurturing, and inspiring women, there were many similarities when recalling times that made us feel like we mattered. Becoming a mother and experiencing the amazing power our bodies have to create and look after our tiny humans. Being a role model, teaching them about the world and showing them unconditional love… we all recognised motherhood as one of the most significant and rewarding roles we can have.
With personal connection being such an important value to us all, we also feel extremely significant when our role in friendships is appreciated; knowing that our personal attributes, opinions and support are valued to another person.
As strong, motivated and passionate women, there were many similarities when recalling times that made us feel dismissed. When we aren’t taken seriously in a professional environment, it makes us feel unworthy and causes us to question the value of our knowledge and skills. As women, a lot of us already feel we have to constantly justify and prove ourselves in our careers. When we aren’t even given a chance to showcase our capabilities, it makes us feel like we are being dismissed simply for being female.
As compassionate, nurturing and inspiring women, there were many similarities when recalling times that made us feel dismissed. When our concerns and issues are brushed aside or belittled, we feel we aren’t being listened to or understood, and therefore don’t receive the support we require. We also feel our uniqueness and significance isn’t seen when people forget who we are, or forget important things we have told them.
After recalling our ‘Ah ha’ moments in our careers, there was one underlying message. We all gain clarity in moments where we feel our work is significant, impactful, and provides value to other people. Receiving feedback, seeing results, and simply putting a smile on another person’s face gives us clarity that we are doing the right thing and inspires us to keep moving forward and dream even bigger.