The Power of Feminine Energy
by Ashleigh Power
The first time I heard this term, vivid images came to mind of a beautiful woman with long flowing hair and a gentle smile, who seemed to radiate glittering, glowing light. Maybe you’ve also heard this term and have a similar picture in your head… but what actually is Divine Feminine Energy?
Different cultures and religions refer to this energy in different ways. In Taoism, it is referred to as the Yin. In India, the Shakti. It is present in ancient European cultures, represented through the different Greek goddesses and even in Western religions, through Mother Mary.
Regardless of gender, every person has both Feminine and Masculine energy. The balance between the two determines how we react and respond and defines who we are. Divine Feminine Energy is the powerful force that is responsible for all traits to do with creativity, connection, empathy, intuition, nurture and vulnerability. Like the flow of a river, feminine energy is constantly moving, rippling and changing directions to flow through its surroundings.
For many of us, the past couple of months have been accompanied by an overwhelming amount of change. Our inner Divine Feminine Energy has played a significant role in helping us navigate through the crashing waves and mysterious dark waters.
When home environments changed, it was our Divine Feminine Energy that curled and swirled into these new situations and created comfort and stability for those around us. We rearranged our already busy lives to cater for our households; adapting our work schedules, setting aside time to teach and entertain our children, putting meals on the table and making sure everyone was looked after. Our nurturing energy created a space for our families to feel safe, have fun, and feel some sense of normality.
When social distancing rules were put in place, it was our Divine Feminine Energy that clung onto human connection and put in that extra effort to reach out and check in on friends and family. We utilised our resources to stay connected, and came up with new ways to socialise; through virtual cocktail nights, movie nights, buddy workouts, book clubs, crafternoons, etc. It was our Divine Feminine Energy that strived to support our small local businesses, reminiscing on all those easy relaxed conversations with our local baristas and boutique staff.
When gyms, community sports, and exercise classes closed, our Divine Feminine Energy craved movement. We recognised the importance of moving our bodies and the impact this has on our mood, productivity and health. We embraced new forms of exercise through online classes, long outdoor walks, beach swims, and simple bodyweight workouts in tiny spaces. When beauty therapy and personal services were shut, it was our Divine Feminine energy that created new ways to make ourselves feel beautiful, embracing our natural no-makeup faces, waxing our own legs, and performing many, many questionable home haircuts.
Our Divine Feminine Energy plays a significant role in our lives and the lives of those around us. When we harness this energy we can grow mentally, socially and soulfully.
Don’t be afraid to express emotion. It’s okay to say you’re struggling. If this time has taught us anything, it’s that more often than not, others are feeling the exact same way. Being open and honest gives us strength because we aren’t afraid when we have nothing to hide. Why not utilise our ability to stay connected by reaching out to friends, listening to each other’s problems and working together. You are not alone.
Through our expression of emotion and vulnerability, women have the unique power to awaken the greatest force of all… LOVE. Have you ever had a truly terrible day, had a moan to your mum about it and instantly felt better? All women have this magical nurturing power that can be used by listening and being present. Think about all the people surrounding you and how you can show empathy, support and love by simply letting them know you are there for them.
With all our borders closed off, it’s been a huge wake up call to how small our community is in comparison to the rest of the world. Instead of competing, think of ways we can support each other by collaborating and put our strengths together. #werisebyliftingothers
Our greatest realisation about the Divine Feminine Energy is that she gives us the ability to play many roles; a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a boss, an employee, an entrepreneur, the list is endless. Our Divine Feminine Energy flows to fill the cracks and crevices made by others; creating, nurturing, and transforming the lives around us.
When the wind blows through and our paths become murky, it is our Divine Feminine Energy that will cling on to our passions and wash away the distractions. While things may be uncertain, have faith that your energy will eliminate the things that don’t work and guide you in the right direction to find what does.